Category: Pose Estimation

Human Action Recognition with Deep Learning and Computer Vision

Here is an overview of the Deep-Learning-based Human Action Recognition problem statement. This overview presents some computer vision solutions to this problem and introduces relevant datasets to HAR.

Building Automatic Fall Detection Systems with Computer Vision

This article discusses using motion detection and pose estimation models for designing an automatic fall detection system for real-world applications.

TinyPose; When your Machine becomes your Trainer

This article will walk us through the path of developing an Edge Device-friendly Pose Estimation model for real-time applications such as fall detection, physiotherapy, workspace safety, games, occupancy controls, etc.

Human Pose Estimation with Deep Learning

Human Pose Estimation is a Machine Learning task that uses computer vision techniques to identify the body posture of a person.

Pose Estimation on NVIDIA Jetson platforms using OpenPifPaf

In this post, we will walk through the steps to run an OpenPifPaf Pose Estimation model on NVIDIA Jetson platforms.

Galliot was Featured by NVIDIA 

NVIDIA has featured Galliot’s Jetson-friendly application that runs inference using a TensorRT engine to extract human poses using the OpenPifPaf model.

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