Category: Computer Vision

A Guide to Data Labeling Methods, Challenges, and Solutions

As AI systems become more complex, Data Labeling has become an inevitable stage in developing most AI and Machine Learning-related applications. But what is data labeling? and how is it done?

Human Action Recognition with Deep Learning and Computer Vision

Here is an overview of the Deep-Learning-based Human Action Recognition problem statement. This overview presents some computer vision solutions to this problem and introduces relevant datasets to HAR.

Building Automatic Fall Detection Systems with Computer Vision

This article discusses using motion detection and pose estimation models for designing an automatic fall detection system for real-world applications.

NVIDIA DeepStream Example; a Face Anonymizer using Python Bindings

This is the third article in our series on Nvidia DeepStream. So far, we have introduced DeepStream and its basic concepts. Presented here is a real-world example of how you can use this tool to make your own applications.

NVIDIA DeepStream Python Bindings; Customize your Applications

This part of the Galliot DeepStream articles introduces the most important DeepStream elements, plugins, and functions. Alongside this, we show you how to build a Pipeline and customize your video analytics applications.

TinyPose; When your Machine becomes your Trainer

This article will walk us through the path of developing an Edge Device-friendly Pose Estimation model for real-time applications such as fall detection, physiotherapy, workspace safety, games, occupancy controls, etc.

Adaptive Learning Deployment with NVIDIA DeepStream

Here we briefly described how we deployed our Adaptive Learning object Detection Model on X86s and Jetson devices using NVIDIA DeepStream and Triton Inference Server.

Adaptive Learning Service Tutorial

In this tutorial, you will find a step-by-step guide on how to use Galliot’s new Adaptive Learning edge vision Service and build a specialized lightweight Object Detection model for your environment.

Human Pose Estimation with Deep Learning

Human Pose Estimation is a Machine Learning task that uses computer vision techniques to identify the body posture of a person.

Pose Estimation on NVIDIA Jetson platforms using OpenPifPaf

In this post, we will walk through the steps to run an OpenPifPaf Pose Estimation model on NVIDIA Jetson platforms.

Smart Social Distancing: New Codebase Architecture

This tutorial provides a technical overview of the latest codebase architecture of the Galliot’s Smart Social Distancing application powered by AI on Edge.

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